Erin started kindergarten on Friday. Our baby is growing up. We didn't find out until Tuesday who Erin's teacher is. Her teacher is Mrs. Swenson, and the assistant teacher (not sure about her official title) is Mrs. Partridge.

On Thursday night we went to the open house. Since we were in the second half of the alphabet, we had to go from 7 -8. First thing we learned about Stevens Creek is that they don't have enough parking! Lots of cars parked on the side of the road, so we did that too. We live less than a mile from the school and can walk on the bike path, but it was late and the forecast was rain, so we opted to drive. Erin met her teachers, who seem very nice. She found her desk and her locker where her bookbag and supplies were waiting for her. Then we went to the cafeteria to sign up for the Parent Teacher Organization (ie write a check), pick up a t-shirt, and write another check for Erin's cafeteria account. Then it was back home to get everyone to bed for the big day.
Erin woke up and immediately put her new school clothes and sneakers on. She was ready! We all piled in the car and navigated through the many school traffic helpers. We walked Erin to her classroom. She had painted a picture of a butterfly for Mrs. Swenson, which Mrs. Swenson loved. It was short and sweet. We kissed Erin goodbye and then off we went. As we walked down the hall, Rene was in front of me and said, "That wasn't so bad, was it?" When he turned around I had some tears in my eyes. I got through it, though.
Soon after that, Lauren and I joined a few other kindergarten moms and siblings for a first day of school brunch. It was very nice. I learned that I wasn't the only one to cry. I also learned that the rules for bus riders are that boys sit on one side, girls sit on the other. Girls get off the bus first.
Pickup was another story! I left the house at 3:14. It takes one minute to get there, and I was one of the last cars inside the school grounds. Lauren and I waited over a half hour in the carpool pickup line! It had to be 100 degrees. We finally got wilted Erin. In the future, when it cools down, I may walk to school and push Lauren in the burley trailer along the bike path. I had heard that even though we live close, we'd be first for pickup for the bus and last to drop off. I check and discovered because we live within 2 miles of the school, technically we're not eligible for the bus (which Erin would love to ride!)
Took a while to get details, but Erin liked her first day of school. She drew a picture for me, she liked lunch in the cafeteria (pizz), she reported with a laugh that all the kids couldn't stay still during nap time, she liked recess, and was evasive about it, but I finally got it out of her that a Spanish teacher visited them and she had a wand.
We celebrated the first day of school with Thai food. Great job, Erin!
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