Erin had her Christmas play, "The ABCs of Christmas" last week. It was very sweet. She performed her "D is is Decoration" part very well. The first 15 minutes of the presentation was Erin's Spanish teacher leading the class in their Spanish. The class is an immersion class, so the teacher speaks no English to the children. It was quite impressive! The week before there was a Santa breakfast at the school. Erin went right to Santa, but Lauren wouldn't go, although she did yell out "Baby Alive!", which is what she wants from Santa. Baby Alive is the doll that eats and pees. Erin requested the same.
Rene and I went out to dinner for the first time alone in well over a year on Saturday. We finally got a babysitter who worked out great! The dinner was an early celebration of Rene's birthday. We booked her for January, as well, for our anniversary.
Our extended family got a nice Christmas present: My cousin Jennifer gave birth to her second daughter, Natalie Ava. The pictures of the baby are adorable, and big sister Lara seems to be adjusting. Congratulations!
Finally, here's a picture of the girls, in their Christmas finest!
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