Sunday, January 21, 2007

Top 10 things moms (and some dads) do in the carpool line

1. Go sit in a friend's SUV or minivan and chat.
2. Sit in your SUV or minivan and chat on the cellphone.
3. Sit in your SUV or minivan and read.
4. Sit in your SUV or minivan and sleep.
5. Sit in your SUV or minivan and eat.
6. Get out of the SUV or minivan and take a walk.
7. Get out of the SUV or minivan and go into the school. (What were they doing in there?)
8. Back your SUV or minivan into the front of the carpool line, saving yourself lots of time while incurring the wrath of the moms in the front of the line who've been sitting there for 30 minutes.
9. Get enraged at the mom who backs into the front of the carpool line. Give her a good talking to. Go get the principal. Shake your head in disgust and let any moms in the front who where sleeping, chatting, or reading know what transgression just occurred.
10. Sit in your SUV or minivan and watch the drama of the other moms fighting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

11. Let the air out of the tires of the Moms who backed into the line....