Saturday was a rainy day. Hooray! Hallelujiah!! We desperately need rain here in Georgia. So it was a good time to whip out the gingerbread house that got at IKEA in Atlanta. The girls put the frosting and candies on the pieces, and Rene and I assembled them. I needed to get dinner ready so I put the house on the dining room table. At some point during the evening I walked past the dining room table and I realize that half the gingerbread house was gone, and bits of frosting were on the tablecloth and rug. I took the above picture, and I pushed the house to the center of the table and the next morning the WHOLE THING was gone. The girls were not too upset, which was good.
Either Jake or Daisy got to it. I suspect Daisy. Although Jake has a long history of eating things off of tables (a steak, and entire quiche, a stick of butter, turkey cheese enchiladas), I don't think he easily can jump up to the table these days. I inspected the doggie mouths for evidence of frosting, but it was a clean crime. We sent them outside for a good portion of the day to avoid any reappearance of the gingerbread house on our rugs and floors.
Erin complained that her ear hurt last night, so I'm waiting to see how she is this morning. I fear we may have a doctor's visit in the near future.
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